發布日期:2018-03-26 15:28:10 訪問次數:1762
Gas Regulator pry / box mainly for urban, industrial, and other residents of the community filter, regulator, metering, plus smelly gas equipment, according to different users can be designed regulator can achieve a combination of various forms; the device having a flow rate under the range of variation in working conditions, rapid response, stable outlet pressure, turn off the high accuracy, while shielding the surging phenomenon under various conditions, to better meet the large urban industrial gas consumption needs of the user.
? 集過濾、調壓、計量、高/低壓切斷、安全放散等功能于一體;
? 旁路采用雙閥設計,設置有手動調節閥;過濾器過濾精度可達5μm,并配置差壓表實時顯示濾芯堵塞程度,用戶可及時清洗或更換濾芯;箱體采用不銹鋼拉絲板,防腐能力強,美觀大方,適合戶外安裝;
? 廠內組裝測試,現場調試維護簡便。
? 可依據客戶要求增加其它特定功能;
? Set of filter, regulator, metering, high / low pressure cut off, safety relief and other functions;
? Double bypass valve design is provided with a manual control valve; patented technology uniquely designed filter accuracy up to 5μm, and the allocation of import pressure gauge real-time display filter clogging degree, the user can clean or replace the filter in a timely manner;
? Tank made of stainless steel wire drawing board, strong corrosion resistance and durability, nice, especially suitable for outdoor installation;
? Factory assembly and testing, commissioning and maintenance is simple.
? Based on customer requirements can add other specific functions;